Saturday, December 27, 2008

The history of Japanese Cinema

Japanese cinema was introduced in the last decade of the 19th century. The first fifty years of the Japanese cinema was limited in silent and short movies. In the early 1950s and 1960s, Japanese cinema took its position in the international scene. In that period Many Japanese films had been produced.
“The seven Samurai “, " Rashmon" and " Vgtsu” are the most famous and popular films at that time. The audience and the caritas admired them and they became international films.
Since that Japanese cinema has been admitted as unique national cinema has its own look and highly accomplished.

The golden age:
The Golden age of Japanese cinema was in the period extended from 1960s to 1970s. This era produced many of regarded movies such as “The ring” and “Godzella".These movies were remade by Hollywood and they won large number of audience from different countries.

Yasujro Ozu was an influential Japanese film director. He was born in Tokyo in December 12, 1903. He made about 53 films in his first five years as a director. Tokyo story is one of the most famous films directed by Ozu. It is one of the best films that ever made in Japan even in the world. After that in 1953 and 1954, author Japanese director called Mizognchi made two famous films. They are “Ugetsa " And " Sansho the bailiff ".

Nowadays Japanese cinema is widely spread and popular. However, there are many of good Japanese cinema products are unknown in the world because most people are only looking for Hollywood products. Most of them do not try to watch the Japanese movies.

The silent era:

Louis Leprico In 1888 created the first film in the world. It was very short movie, only two seconds. "Roundhay garden scenes" as it called, was a film of people walking around in a garden. Before that In 1920s the art of motion pictures has developed in the silent era. The quality of the silent movies was not very high .Also the technology was very simple and was always made errors such as films being played back at wrong speed. But these were the first stones for today’s cinema

Radio drama

Radio drama is kind of media which is an audio storytelling broadcasted on radio .It is usually depends on dialogue and sound effects without any visual component. The actors use their voices only to make the listeners understand the story and imagine as a movie.

History in brief:
In early 1925s where there was no television or computer, radio advent made a revolution in media industry. It established the first foundation stones to the new media. After few years radio drama was born. It took it position on the top of the most international popular entertainment at that time. In addition the radio drama, “Danger was one of the first radio dramas in the world. It was written for the medium of the UK. It broadcasted for the first time on BBC in 1924. Since that, many radio dramas were produced in many countries in the world.

Radio Drama and television:
In the 1950s radio drama lost its position as a leader of the world best entertainment because the advent of television. With the television people became able to watch and hear at the same time when they only hearing with radio. In some countries, radio drama had never attracted people. However in other countries like Britain radio drama has developed and attracted more interested people because of many reasons. There are two of these reasons.
First, with the rapid developing in technology, life became very fast and minutes became valuable. Therefore many people especially workers did not have enough time to watch television so they found there entertainment with radio drama .They can easily listen to radio when they driving or even working.
Second, the low coasts of producing audio drama attracted large number of writers and youth.

Audio drama components:

Actually, radio drama has some major components. Dialogue and story come on the head of the most important component of radio drama because they are the drama itself. In addition, sound effects are very important to produce an audio drama. They make audience imagine the story and life it. When the audio drama is a story telling it should has characters. They can be real characters or even unreal .All in all every drama has its own features and own special components.
BBC as an example:
BBC is a very famous name in media field .It is a huge organization includes television channels and many radio stations broadcasts programmers in many different languages around the world. It is the most international source for news and information even researches.
Every year BBC radio stations producing and broadcasting hundreds of radio dramas. BBC4 and BBC7 are the most stations that broadcasting audio dramas. Every Monday evening BBC4 broadcasts a program called “women hour". It is a popular program includes short dramas. Also the drama “Writing the century “is a very famous audio drama on BBC. It a drama explore the 20th century through real correspondence and diaries from the great, the good and the ordinary. It is a good example proves that radio drama is keeping improve.
Radio drama can be side by side with television and books providing entertainment. It can be comedy drama or serious drama reflects society problems and helps to solve them. Also some audio dramas can be used for educational Purposes like historical dramas. I think we will see more radio dramas in the future with more ideas attracting large number of people.

Media in the dictionary

Media means:
1- Plural of medium.
2- Something by or through which an effect is produced.
3- A substance in which specimens are preserved, bacteria grown etc.
4- Middle or average in size, quality etc.
5- The integration of computers, computer networking.
6- The form and technology used to communicate information.
7- In computer networking: cables linking work stations to gather.
8-Multimedia: Is communication that uses and combination of different media, and it may include texts, spoken audio, music, images, animation and video.
Media in brief:
Media is different Kinds of massages used to communication between people. In fact, all speech in all languages, the cry of baby, a song, animation, movie, newspaper and a audio drama are involved under one term, medium. The common part of media those we regular use called mass media. It includes Radio, newspaper, television, book, magazine, and network .All in all media is methods used to communicate between people.