Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The history of Television

Television is one of the top ten devices which have changed human life. Nowadays it is a part of our daily life. The development of this device occurred a number of years. There are many improvement steps had done to get today’s TV. No single person invented the Television. It was invented side by side with technology development.

With the development of sciences, including electric, Mechanical engineering, sound, technology, electro chemistry and electromagnetism. In fact there are many discoveries which marred later into common ground of television such as the Ray tube invention in 1878 by Sir William Crooks. The first grudge television was made by Paul Nipkow from Germany in 1884. After that countless radio scientists and inventors invented methods of broadcasting television signals. Jhon Legie Barird from Scotland and Chals F.Jakins from USA invented the first true television sets in the 1920s. By 1935 mechanical systems for transiting black and white images were replaced by electronic methods. In 1939 the two American inventors, Philo T.Earns Worth and Allen B.Dumot developed a pickup tube that became the home television receiver. After that the Colombia broadcasting system had entered the color television fray. Because of the Second World War and the Korean War the developing progress was slowed. The future of TV has begun with technological revolution in this century. Nowadays there are plasma screens and interactive televisions. In near future we will see more and more new methods and inventions in this filed.


Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. on theater by actors and actresses on a stage. The term comes from a Greek
word meaning 'action. Another name to refer to it is 'play'. It shows people going through some eventful period in their lives, seriously or humorously. The speech and action of a play recreate the flow of human life. It contains many arts such as author, director, actor and designer.
To produce a drama there are processes and operations o follow. The first stage starts by writing the drama text by a playwright. In the past, the playwright was restricted by two types of drama. These types are
tragedies and comedies . The difference between those two types is in the ending. Tragedies are usually ending on unhappy note. However Comedies are usually ending happily. Also there are some differences in the characters between the two kinds. In the tragedies the characters is high and noble person. In the other hand in the romantic comedies the main character is a lover and the secondary characters are comic.
Elements of drama:
The drama to be a dram should have some of specific elements. The first element is the characters. Most plays contain major characters and minor characters. The major character is essential to the play. However the minor character serves a specific function. The second element is the plot. Every drama must have this element to be drama. It is the body of the drama. The interest generated by the plot varies for different kinds of plays. The third element is theme. It is the soul of the drama. Most plays have a conflict of some kind between individuals, between man and society, man and some superior force or man and himself. The events that this conflict provokes make up the plot. The forth element is Dialogue. It provides the substance of a play. The next element is convention. It is the action of the drama which is done by actors. Audiences also are an important element. They are inseparable parts of the theatre. These elements above are not only the drama elements. There are other elements such as Conversions, Sound and Sound Effects, Makeup, Technical Production and Costume Design.