Friday, January 9, 2009

Karl Marx


Karl Marx is a German philosopher and, historian, and politician. He was born in Trier, Prussia in May 5, 1818. He received his education at home until he became thirteen years old. His father was a successful lawyer. Marx was very interested to study philosophy and literature but he did not do so because his father insisted that his son should study law. Karl earned the University of Bonn in 1835. During his study, he wrote many poems and essays concerning life. Also he absorbed the atheistic philosophy of the Young Hegelians who were prominent in Berlin at that time. He earned a Doctoral degree in 1841 from the University of Jena. After that, he returned to Rhineland in 1842 where he became the editor of Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. In 1849, he went to Paris where he made contact with socialists from many countries, and renewed his acquaintance with Fridrich Engels, beginning long-life friendship. On June 19, 1843, Karl Marx got married to Junny Von, a daughter of a Prussian baron. The death of his wife in December 1881 made him ill for the last fifteen months of his life. He died in London on March14, 1883.

His works
When he was young, Karl Marx was influenced by the intellectual climate in Germany. He was very much influenced by Hegel's works. In his life, he published a large number of books and essays. The first book which he wrote in collaboration with Engel was The Holly Family, published in 1855. In 1847 the two played a key role in founding the communist league and wrote the Manifesto of the communist party.
In 1859, Karl Marx published his well-known work called Critique of Political Economy. It is believed that the book is pat of a long unpublished preparatory draft for a major book of which the critique was to be the first part. The two remaining volumes occupied Marx for the rest of his life, and he left both uncompleted. After Marx’s death, Engel edited and published them in 1884 and 1893.


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